(Please print)
Address ______________________________________________________________
City _____________________State/Province ________ Zip _______________
Country __________________ E-mail _________________________________
Phone number ____________________________
Please indicate type of application (check one);
______ New Membership Application
______ Membership Renewal
Make check payable in U.S. funds to: Landingslaget
Amount enclosed $______________
___ Payment was made on-line
Pedigree chart enclosed:___
In order for us to serve you in the area of genealogy, you may wish to enclose a pedigree chart with information beginning with yourself and going back to your ancestors in Land. Enclose one created by your family tree software, or fill in our pedigree chart, print it, and include it with your application.
For More Membership Information, email
Members receive three newsletters a year, genealogical assistance,
and certain privileges at annual meetings.
Ann Delano
5616 41st Avenue South
Minneapolis MN 55417